Extensive product portfolio and customised fire stopping solutions for construction

A construction site is a sum of numerous small parts which must all function together seamlessly and flexibly in order for costs to remain within budget. One major factor is the building’s fire safety that is regulated and maintained in accordance with legislation, regulations, decrees and various directives. Penetrations in structures that compartment fire must be fitted with fire stops and seals that prevent fire, heat, smoke and gas from spreading from one fire compartment to another.

Fire stopping solutions for every situation

Our product portfolio includes advanced, efficient and cost-effective fire stopping solutions that are also easy to install. With our extensive product offering and our expertise we are able to provide a complete penetration solution for fire compartmentation for any new construction, renovation or prefab.

Professionally customised, high-quality fire stopping products

All Sewatek penetrations are manufactured by us in Finland. Orders are customised according to the client’s wishes and measurements. We guarantee quick, secure deliveries on time. Our full expertise is at your disposal. The earlier we are involved in your project planning, the more cost-effective it is to bring our penetrations to your construction site and into production.

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